Often I sit and stare at her sleeping and breathe in all her beauty. Her little face so pure and honest it never fails to make my heart skip a beat. She is nothing less than perfection and to her I owe my life as she has taught me the meaning of true love, she has given me hope and direction and a drive to be a better me. Without her my world would not exist. My heart sometime aches it is so full of love. I am blessed beyond words, I am thankful beyond meaning and I am forever indebted for her presence.

When I look into her piercing blue eyes I see so many things, I see adventure, I see love, I see intelligence, I see determination, I see me. I don’t think I have ever met, nor will I ever meet another person that will change my life in the way she has. Who would have thought a person so small could impact so many people in such a big way. I am strong because of her, I love unconditionally because of her, I embrace life because of her and I will survive because of her. To her I owe my heart, for with out her it would not be whole.
She is my baby Emmi-Belle and I will forever be thankful she chose me…

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