So first off, how amazing is this Little Laner with the Staffordshire Bullterrier?! Now that that is out of the way I'm going to share a few good reason why you should get a dog.
I used to be that person that saw photos of friends dogs all over my facebbok newsfeed, of them baking a cake for their dog on its birthday or dressing their dog up in hats & sunglasses and i'd have to roll my eyes. I just could not understand. As a mum with 2 girls, a baby daddy and a crazy time consuming business the last thing I wanted was any more responsibility, especially in the form of a canine!
After being persuaded by my then four year old daughter to finally get her a furry brother, I now understand! I am a dog person! I love my dog!
Here's why...
1: When you drop food on the floor, they will eat it. Under my table has never look so good.
2: They force you to exercise. Dogs like to go for walks. It gives you the perfect excuse to roam the neighbourhood at night and look through your neighbour’s windows. And I mean that in a completely non-creepy way.
3: They are always happy to see you. Our dog gets so excited when everyone single one of us comes home.
4: When you are home alone you have someone to talk to. And dogs are great at looking at you and cocking their heads and pretending that they understand.
5: A dog teaches your children responsibility. Left your favourite shoes in the middle of the room and the dog chewed on them? Well, should have put them away where they belong.
6: It also teaches your children compassion and anger control. See the shoes above.
7: Dogs like to snuggle up to you and keep you warm when it’s chilly.
8: Kids learn about taking care of someone other than themselves. I wouldn’t count on a kid doing all the chores related to a family pet, but mine are all certainly aware if the dog needs to be fed or needs fresh water and they will just take care of it.
9: Having a dog is like having a baby, but only the fun parts. You can’t let babies out in the yard to poop. And you can’t leave them home all alone or put their food in bowls on the floor. They have laws about these things. And even though a kennel might seem to be similar to a crib, it’s not the same at all.
10: Dogs love you like you are the best person ever. What’s not to like about that?
11: You get used to being covered with dog hair. I like to pretend all my clothes are made from angora wool.
12: Get a dog and you will finally understand dog people!
We hope these little facts made you smirk. Credit goes to the fabulous Chris Jordan from alphamum.com :)
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