Hi guys! We’ve been busy little beavers lately. The last 6 months have been an extraordinary journey for us, both as mums and business women. We’ve opened our flagship Lacey Lane store, started wholesaling to stockists around the world and hired an amazing team of staff who are helping grow our budding business even further. All while we’ve been planning and designing the upcoming Winter 2015 collection! Yep, we’re pretty chuffed and so excited for what’s ahead.
On a personal front, this is the first year we’ve had ALL our girls in school - full time. It’s been a bit of a shock to the system, not having them with us playing around in the warehouse and being our mini models. It’s really made us stop and appreciate how precious the time we have with them is now. As we’re sure all the working mummy’s can relate, it’s about finding that golden ratio of work-life balance. We haven’t got it perfect yet, but hey, what is perfect anyway? Our kids are all so loved and are the happiest little vegemite’s so I think we’re doing ok :) Plus I (Nik) am still singing at gigs on weekends and Bec is busy renovating her first home!
Back to business, we have been getting plenty of questions asking about our next collection. If you are a die hard Lacey Lane fan you will know this sort of thing is kind of secret squirrel business but we would like to let you in on some inside goss.
We have been working hard to create a range that will suit all climates. As we have a large US and Aussie fan base, we simply couldn't let anyone down. So… this next collection will be filled with bold colours, oversized grandpa cardies, brand new summer and winter designs and an exclusive stockist range!! This collection is already in production and should be ready by our Winter. We are going to be having a VIP launch party for the release where VIP’s will get access to the range before everyone else. Stay tuned on how you can get a ticket to the big night!!!
This is all so exciting for us and we feel big things are coming this year for us.
Thanks for coming on this epic journey with us, we love our Lacey Lane community more than anything, and know we couldn’t have come this far without you.
Love Nikki + Bec
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