The “F” word, I am ashamed to say that lately I have been dropping this word like its hot. At work, at home, to my mum and even in front of the kids… I always said I would never say it in front of my girls but lately I just feel the need to say it.
Don’t be confused with the almighty “F” bomb, that word does and alway will have a special place in my vocabulary. No I am talking about the word “FAT”!
In the past 12 months I have stacked on a huge 16kg! For a 4’8” little person that means 3 dress sizes! I am pretty sure the girls at work would rather be poked in the eye with a burnt stick than hear me say for the 100th time “that’s it, I’m done with being FAT, I’m going on a diet!”
Sooo instead I say “THAT’S IT, I’M CHANGING MY LIFE”!
It sounds so cliché but as of the 1st of January this year I started my journey to became a happier + healthier person.
No more 2am cheese burgers (or as I like to call them “dirty cheesys”) on the way home from a gig.
No more chips and Aioli for my daily lunch and definitely no more double glazed crispy cream donuts… URGHH my mouth just watered even writing that!!
I am going to be Vlogging about my journey for anyone that wants to follow, I will be talking about my progress, tips on low calorie foods I will be eating and all the dirty sweaty training I will be doing.
I have never written or recorded a blog before so go easy on me ;)
Here it is, my first video blog… I hope I can encourage some of you Mumma’s to join me in the quest to feel better and live longer!
Nikki xx
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