I was going through my old clothes and came across this little treasure. It was the Wednesday before Easter 2012 from memory and I had asked Taleah what she wanted to wear for our Easter hunt. She told me a "fairy dress”. I stayed up till all hours of the morning cutting and sewing, unpicking and altering until I came up with a dress that I thought my little girl would think resembled a "fairy dress". It had lace, it was soft, it was floral but most of all it had wings! The frills on the back of the dress were the main feature that I wanted her to notice and she did exactly that. In the morning I showed her her new "fairy dress" and her face lit up when she saw she had fairy wings built into her dress! She loved it and I love that she loved it. And that's how our signature piece was created.
I guess we can thank Taleah for the LL fairy dress (it's been very well loved as you can tell, it's falling to pieces now but it will always be a special piece of mine)
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